首先安装内置青云SDK的 qlua 命令: go get github.com/chai2010/qingcloud-go/cmd/qlua
注:这个解释器不是官方的C语言版本Lua解释器,而且纯Go语言实现的 解释器订制而来。
创建一个JSON格式的配置文件,里面含有基本是口令信息 ~/.qingcloud/qcli.json
{ "api_server": "https://api.qingcloud.com/iaas/", "access_key_id": "公钥", "secret_access_key": "私钥", "zone": "pek3a"}
然后创建 hello.lua
local qc = require("qingcloud.iaas")if #arg == 1 and arg[1] == '-v' then print(qc.version) print(qc.version_info.git_sha1_version) print(qc.version_info.build_date) do return endendif #arg == 1 and arg[1] == '-h' then print(qc.copyright) print("hello, 青云!") do return endendlocal config = qc.LoadJSON("~/.qingcloud/qcli.json")local client = qc.Client:new(config)local reply, err = client:DescribeInstances { --owner = "usr-xxxxxxxx", zone = "pek3a", limit = 100}if err ~= nil then print("error:", err) do return endendif reply.ret_code ~= 0 then print(reply.ret_code) print(reply.message) do return endendfor i = 1, #reply.instance_set do local item = reply.instance_set[i] print(i, item.instance_id, item.instance_type, item.memory_current..'MB', item.status, item.create_time, item.instance_name )endprint('total: ' .. reply.total_count)
$ qlua hello.lua -h$ qlua hello.lua -v$ qlua hello.lua
如果虚机数量巨大,则需要多次调用 client:DescribeInstances